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Black homes collections

Monday, June 25, 2012

beautiful modern architecture - dark house

 I'll be honest — it would never occur to me to paint a house black. That said, I've been mesmerized by this photo of Derek Jarman's Prospect Cottage since I saw it last month on Cabin Porn.
And apparently, the color has occurred to other homeowners as well — to dramatic and often chic effect. Read more [ via : apartmenttherapy ]

modern arcitecture - black homes

architect homes - black city homes

roman architecture house - dark home

mini house- black architectural home design

Geometric Painted Roller Curtain | DIY

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

home design | modern curtains

home accessories  - diy - curtain

Ahh! Love. Just spotted this cute idea to revamp a cheap roller curtain (like say this ENJE one we spotted at IKEA?) which could make for a VERY afforable way to spice up a window without spending a zillion dollars, and in a really modern, playful way. In fact, just being honest here, but this is exactly what we’ve been looking for, for our bedroom. A simple modern white shade could be customized with ANYTHING.
Any design. And color. Any pattern. Something simple and  geometric that anyone could stencil and do, or something really ornate and personal if you’re an artist or are skilled with a brush. Read more [ via : 2modern ]

Four Story Townhouse

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Townhouse 5th Street by architecture firm TBHC

townhouse-tbhco-  amazing architectures

One of TBHCo’s first projects, this 4 story townhouse in center Park Slope was renovated and the owner’s duplex was completely gutted. The interior/exterior plan, decoration, built-ins and custom work were
designed and/or built by TBHCo’s design team. Extra large double hung windows flood the home with natural light. The sculpture above the fireplace was made by TBHCo designer/sculptor Fitzhugh Karol.

tbhco - retro design - modern

modern vintage kitchen designs

vintage living room decorating ideas - modern white

bathroom - banyo design
[ via : besthousedesign ]


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

modern furniture - seat design
 German designer Sebastian Herkner recently launched two new products with Moroso – the Coat armchair and Bask, a collection of baskets.

modern design - furniture - seat

design  - german design - furniture - chair
[ via : design-milk ]

Garden pavilion arthitecture

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

 Robert M. Gurney Architects - luxury architecture

Openness pavilion with warm interior and exotic exterior offers enjoyable feeling at daily time. It is pool pavilion that is built on a large garden overlooking natural views. Located in Washington, DC at the neighborhood of suburban site that is surrounded of woodlands, Nevis pool and garden pavilion by Robert M. Gurney Architects is exotic small house for retreat at the holiday.

interior design - pavilion - garden pavilion

naturel artchitecture - garden design
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