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Comfortable Luxurios Sofa Design

Monday, January 31, 2011

Best Livingroom Interior Design 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

Best Bedroom Interior Design 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

Peach Dining Room Interior

Monday, January 31, 2011

Italian Peach Dining Room
Elegant Peach Dining Room
Big Peach Dining Room
Luxury Peach Dining Room
Amazing Peach Dining Room
Simple Peach Dining Room

luxurious villa in Mallorca by Julia Palmer

Monday, January 31, 2011

luxurious villa in Mallorca by Julia Palmer
luxurious villa in Mallorca by Julia Palmer
Julia Palmer was design a luxurious villa in Mallorca. This villa in 1350 square meter areas including gardens, and offers beautiful view of the bay. The architects design this villa with elegant and luxury accents of colors reflecting the artwork & furniture as well as the colors of the Mediterranean to create a calm, elegant tranquil environment for a family to relax and enjoy. To get more information please visit Julia Palmer website.

Interior fashion : Bubble Sofa in luxury home furnishings

Monday, January 31, 2011

On the contrary, designers over at Versace have also been expressing their interest in luxury home furnishings. Their home line of Italian fashion delivers a new line of fashion and style with the Bubble Sofa. The sofa design is a unique approach to luxury furnishing and is available in two styles; white and clean or colorful and versatile. Each one delivers a bold spirit of individual interior fashion that is certain to give any room a fresh new attitude.

Interior fashion : Bubble Sofa in luxury home furnishings

Villa Amanzi by Original Vision Ltd at Kamala Beach in Phutek, Thailand

Monday, January 31, 2011

Villa Amanzi by Original Vision Ltd at Kamala Beach in Phutek, Thailand
Villa Amanzi celebrates a most unique contrasting experience of solidarity and openness. Architects Adrian McCarroll, Waiman Cheung and Jamie Jamieson of Original Vision Ltd realized this open and playful design on the extremely diverse landscape and terrain high above the Andaman Sea located at Kamala Beach in Phutek, Thailand.
The 2,644 sqm design dutifully integrates notions of interior and exterior in the public and private realms by giving constant reference to the towering stone peaks and dramatic views of this wondrous site. The dynamic use of cantilevered features explore characteristics of spatial separation and identification inherent in the works of Frank Lloyd Wright, most notably Falling Water. The design also pays homage Mies Van deer Rohe’s Barcelona Pavilion as the terraces afford fine views that guide users through uninterrupted spans and transitory spaces where notions of indoor and outdoor are abandoned. The cantilevered swimming pool is the heart of the design.

Villa Amanzi by Original Vision Ltd at Kamala Beach in Phutek, Thailand

Villa Amanzi by Original Vision Ltd at Kamala Beach in Phutek, Thailand

Villa Amanzi by Original Vision Ltd at Kamala Beach in Phutek, Thailand

Villa Amanzi by Original Vision Ltd at Kamala Beach in Phutek, Thailand

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